Hi, I’m Jack 👋

You might know me from

This is my misc. blog, where I try to come to terms with the block editor.

I also blog about marketing automation @ WP Fusion

I tweet sometimes.

Latest posts

  • Playing with ChatGPT plugins

    Playing with ChatGPT plugins

    I got access to ChatGPT’s new “plugins” feature. Since we are Very Good Plugins I figured I had to take a day off to play with it. Two demos: 1. Searching a WooCommerce store, narrowing down products by available colors and sizes: 2. Developing a course outline and content via ChatGPT and then automatically creating…

  • Creating an analytics dashboard for Easy Digital Downloads using AppSmith and ChatGPT

    Creating an analytics dashboard for Easy Digital Downloads using AppSmith and ChatGPT

    We use Easy Digital Downloads to sell WP Fusion, and while it’s been good to us over the years, the reports leave a lot to be desired. To get better insights into churn, MRR, and active customers growth, I’d been using ProfitWell, which does a nice job, but has a few issues: So, while we…

  • Moist January 2023

    Moist January 2023

    Effective dates: Jan 9th – Feb 11th Stats: